Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Wax:On with PBR Streetgang

I'm playing for Wax: On again this weekend, at The Mint Club in Leeds. Headlining are Asylum & We Love Sundays @ Space residents PBR Streetgang. Asylum has easily been the best night for music at The Mint Club over the last three years of working there, and I was close to shedding a tear when they announced there was to be no more at the end of last year. I don't think I need to say too much about We Love!

Event details here - http://www.residentadvisor.net/event.aspx?203296

Thursday, 28 October 2010

Distrikt Videos

Distrikt's 1st birthday was really good fun last weekend. Maurice Fulton was wicked, amazing music and he mixes old disco with live drums absolutely effortlessly - not a dropped beat or hi-hat clash all night! I took a couple of videos throughout the night when Me & Seb were playing and thought I would bang them on here. There is a link at the bottom to the pics Soonnight took also - some really good shots.

Soonnight Pics here - http://uk.soonnight.com/leeds/photos-distrikt-bar-1st-birthday-party,3,343605.html

Wednesday, 20 October 2010


Absolutely buzzing about this coming Friday night in Leeds - one of the biggest lineups of the year for disco heads in the North.

First up is Distrikt's 1st Birthday party, which kicks off at 9pm. Distrikt is a wicked venue, hidden in the basement of a side street just round the corner from the Corn Exchange in Leeds. They host some wicked free parties and loads of good pre-parties for all the best nights in Leeds (Think Basics, Mono_Cult, Louche, Dirty Disco etc..) and this year alone has seen Mr C, Moodymanc, Tim Sheridan, Simon Baker, Ryan Elliott and loads more come down and play on the decks. It is their first Birthday this friday and disco legend Maurice Fulton is the main guest of honour. Me and Sebastian Budniak have been asked to provide warm up duties and we are incredibly looking forward to it!

As soon as this finishes we will head over to the Loft, where Throwback host Mark E for what promises to be another cracking party. Support comes from residents Death on The Balcony and the Last Waltz DJ's from Geordie Land. Friday can't come round soon enough!

Distrikt with Maurice Fulton here - http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=155484734472160

and here (notice Kill The DJ instead of Kill The Disco.. ha ;-) http://www.residentadvisor.net/event.aspx?191199

Throwback here - http://www.residentadvisor.net/forum-read.aspx?id=119567

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Wax:On This Friday

I have managed to swing at set at Wax:On's weekly hoedown at the Mint Club in Leeds this coming Friday and I am immensely looking forward to it! Unfortunately Azari & III of Reckless Love fame have had to cancel at the last minute due to a double booking in Berlin but MagicBag Music production duo People Get Real still top the bill.

Wax:On has had a bit of a change of direction over the last few months and after making it's name in electro, nu-rave and more recently dubstep amongst other genres, they have decided to host a weekly friday night at The Mint Club dedicated to house, disco and techno as well as their monthly parties with Metropolis at the 4500 capacity Leeds University. The line-ups they have coming up over the new few weeks are very much up my street, and expect to see Ivan Smagghe, Optimo and Aeroplane amongst many others.

Here's the info for this week - if you are in the area pop down.

Wax:On continues this Friday for the third week of it's blinding new residency at The Mint Club. After Rory Philips and The Sonic Emporium absolutely tore the dance floor to pieces at the last party, this weekend we see Wax:On resident and MAGiCBAG production duo People Get Real joined by Kill The Disco's very own resident and promoter Adam Daniels. Expect nothing more than the finest house, techno and disco throughout. See you ...on the dance floor!

Friday 8th October

People Get Real [Wax:On / MAGiCBAG Music]
Adam Daniels [ Kill The Disco ]

£5 Before 11:30pm // £6 After
11pm - 5am
Mint Club. 8- 10 Harrison Street, Leeds


£1.50 Carlsberg Export
£1.50 Sambucca Shots
£1.50 Tequila Shots
£1.50 Jaeger Shots
£2.00 Jaeger Bombs
£2.50 V Double Vodka & Mixer

We’ll also be booking occasional headline guests, over the coming months we’ve got some great artists lined up including;

Ivan Smagghe
Erol Alkan
Azari & iii
Rory Phillips
Justin Robertson
Matt Walsh

And a few more....

Full Details of Wax:On Fridays Here...


Happy Birthday Cognosco!

Some of my good friends that promote Cognosco celebrate their 1st birthday this month and I have prepared the promo blurb for their forthcoming party. Their parties always go off and I am pretty sure this one will be no different! The guests will be joined by residents Marsden, Dan Hare and David Hulme.

COGNOSCO 1st Birthday with Giles Smith & Lovebirds

Who would have though it – We are One! After a couple of soirees in the Hyde Park Social, Cognosco launched itself into the Leeds nightlife scene with a belter of an opening party at Oracle twelve months ago in the company of Secret Sundaze co-founder and house music boffin Giles Smith. Having rocked the dance floor into the wee hours first time around, we thought it only fair to invite him back to celebrate our coming of age. This time our invitations are extended and we welcome Sebastian ‘Basti’ Doering aka Lovebirds, as he joins us and brings to the table his magic bag of deep house and disco treats.

It’s been a cracking year for Cognosco in our new found home at The Loft and guests such as Florian Kruse, Matthias Meyer and Alex Niggeman have ensured that each and every one of our events has been packed to the rafters. Our Fresher’s party across three rooms in conjunction with Louche and Mono_Cult at the end of September was an unbridled success but it’s back to business as usual for our upcoming celebration as we pay homage to the low ceilings and intimate atmosphere of The Loft once more.

Giles Smith launched Secret Sundaze alongside James Priestly in the summer of 2001 as a outdoor Sunday afternoon party, and their musical talents alongside a knack of booking the highest calibre of underground house and techno artists have seen their parties skyrocket over the last nine years. Voted club of the year in the 2006 Mixmag Awards, Secret Sundaze has continued to grow, and parties at Sonar, Snowbombing and numerous one-offs in Ibiza have cemented the night as one of the ‘must go to’ events in Europe.

Producing alongside Dan Berkson as Two Armadillos, their tracks have been snapped up and released by Steve Bug’s Dessous, Buzzin’ Fly and Four:Twenty records and charted by almost every self respecting house and techno DJ under the sun. Giles’s Resident Advisor podcast in the middle of last year eschewed the formulaic Ableton/laptop route and was instead mixed at home with two 1210’s and a mixer. Needless to say, the raw vibes and ‘live’ feel tickled the ears of everybody that gave it a listen and we are sure Giles will do exactly the same and more when he lands at the Loft for our next party.

‘The Modern Stalker EP’ was the track that really made people sit up and take notice of Lovebirds in the summer of 2007, and after it was rinsed by the likes of Prins Thomas, Ashley Beedle and Jimpster, Bill Brewster named it as tune of the month in I-DJ magazine. Managing to merge deep and melancholic house music sounds with more than a nod back to the underground disco vibes of the 70’s and 80’s, Lovebirds knack of fusing such styles has seen his production efforts released on Freerange, OM and Winding Road amongst many others. Now firmly part of the deep house cognoscenti, it was only a matter of time before he found himself behind the turntables at the Loft and we thought there was no better time to do it than our first birthday celebrations.

It has 12 months for them and everyone involved that is twinged with sadness as head promoter Matthew Mckeown tragically passed away earlier this year at the very young age of 25. I think it is fair to say Cognosco would not be where it is today without his input and this party is held in memory of him. Absolute top guy. RIP.

Thursday, 23 September 2010


After a rather grand few weeks in Ibiza the season was finally to come to an end for me today and I was bound for the UK just before midnight tonight. Thanks to the French Air Traffic Control strike action however, my flight has now been cancelled and I find myself with an extra few days on the White Isle.

On the downside, no return to Leeds in time to catch The Revenge and Death on The Balcony at Throwback, but on the plus side there is now the possibility of both the We Love Sundays at Space and Circo Loco at DC10 closing parties to contend with. My every dwindling funds may yet say otherwise though!

I have had an absolute amazing summer playing at the Ibiza Rocks Bar and sincerely hope I get the chance to play there again next year. It's been ace to play bits of disco, house and techno right in front of the sea, and apart from the odd slightly angry request for the Swedish House Mafia or David Guetta, the sound seems to have gone down well. Thank you again Ibiza Rocks!

Monday, 30 August 2010


The amount of legitimate free music that I am aquiring and actually loving to death at the moment is phenomenal - soundcloud is surely the best thing in the world at the moment for aspiring disco/re-edit producers and fans.

Check these guys out - they are the absolute fucking bomb!

Touchsoul - re-edit genius

Latest tracks by touchsoul

Reset* - Check out the automatic edit...

Latest tracks by Reset*

Leftside Wobble - Just picked up on the Grapevine Boogie edit... Wicked!

Latest tracks by Leftside Wobble

Saturday, 7 August 2010


I have landed a residency at the Ibiza Rocks Bar (formerly Bar M) for the summer season in Ibiza. I've been playing 2/3 times a week for the preparties for the nights at Eden, Amnesia and Es Paradis such as Cream and Pete Tong's Wonderland. It's so far been very fun but also very challenging as rather than knocking out my normal set of disco through to pitched down house music I have had to adapt (quite a lot!) when warming up for DJ's playing the bar such as Zane Lowe..... The first two hours are where I can really play the music that I want but I have enjoyed the challenge of having to play and mix music that is a lot faster, tougher and harder than the kind of stuff I would normally put on!

Definitley having a lot of fun out here though, loving the lifestyle, sunshine and ridiculously cheap alcohol.

I normally play Saturdays and Sundays and one night during the week - if you are out on the White Isle this summer pop in for a quick sangria!

Tuesday, 1 June 2010


KILL THE DISCO crosses it's magic cosmic sword this weekend with Raised By Wolves as we don our disco hats once more and joint host the backroom at Detached @ Beaverworks... We had a cracking time playing there last month and with loads of comfy sofas, cool visuals and a lovely soundtrack we think it's the perfect alternative to the booming techno emanating from the main room...

Full Event Details here... http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=116882018337763&ref=ts

Online Promo/Spam below..................

Kill The Disco and Raised By Wolves join forces to host the VIP room at Beaverworks on the first Saturday in June.

Raised by Wolves have been doing their thing for a while on the Leeds scene, layering together a delicious mix of Disco, Cosmic, Boogie, Italo and loads more at various venues across the city. They've christened the intimate surroundings of the Smokestack as their new home and one Thursday a month treat Leeds music aficionados to a tropical cocktail of beats.

Kill The Disco is no stranger to Detached; Only last month they came down and filled the VIP room at the residents party with an 8 hour soundtrack of House, Disco and Slo-Mo. After such a cracking time we thought we should come and do it all again!

There is plenty going on at the next Detached; The Ecknosketch boys will be doing their house/techno/minimal thing in the newly refurbed basement, whilst the bar plays host to a dubstep/breaks/ravecore/bass mix off between Data-Trace Records and Noodle. Detached steal the show by flying in the ace 'proper techno' duo Dualtek in from Japan for a 3 hour back to back set, with support from The Forward Strategy Group. All in all, that is what you call a line up!

If it all gets a bit much, come and find us in the VIP room, which is opposite the entrance as you walk into Beaverworks. It's a cracking room with loads of comfy chairs, some ace visuals and a top quality soundsystem, topped off with a soundtrack for the evening that you are going to love! A bit of disco, a smattering of funk, a few beats of cosmic and a big dollop of Italo... Get yourself involved! X


Marsden (Cognosco / Kill The Disco)
Stu Fear (Raised By Wolves)
Maverick (Kill The Disco)
Mark Patton (Raised By Wolves)
Adam Daniels (Kill The Disco)
Joss Bibby (Raised By Wolves)

10PM - 6AM

Beaverworks, 36 Whitehouse Street, Leeds, LS10 4AD


RAISED BY WOLVES - http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=6814054369

KILL THE DISCO - http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=7008375478&ref=ts

DETACHED - http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=7651040411&ref=ts



Tickets £10 from here ... http://www.detatched.co.uk/store
£12 OTD

Thursday, 20 May 2010


Kill The Disco take over Distrikt in Leeds City Centre this month; cracking new(ish) bar/club venue that is just over the road from The Space and is ran by dance music heads who have a real passion for underground beats and have top quality lineups on (DJ's/Bands or otherwise) pretty much running through Tuesday to Sunday. It's our turn this month and we are well looking forward to it!


Tuesday, 4 May 2010


We had a cracking time playing at the Cognosco afters at Stinkys Peephouse in the early hours of Saturday morning last weekend and after a couple of days rest we now have our eyes firmly planted on the weekend ahead. After a couple of years in the wilderness we launch Kill The Disco again this weekend as we host the VIP room at Beaverworks for the first of Detached's summer BBQ parties.

Detached have really been on fire this year and have had the likes of Ben Sims, Oscar Mulero and Derick May spin some tunes at their wicked warehouse venue on the outskirts of Leeds. I've had the privelege of knocking out some disco in the backrooms quite a few times and each time I have thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

It' all kicks off around 10pm and there will be a BBQ in the courtyard for the first couple of hours - We have invited our friends from Filthy Habit to come and play after they hosted such an excellent boat party a couple of weeks ago. Full event details are here - http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=112753342088331&ref=ts AND HERE... http://www.residentadvisor.net/forum-read.aspx?id=102169


Detatched residents in the basement___

Tony Adamson // Adam Rayner
Horror Brawl // Sputnik
Systemic vs Siege // Oriel vs Laura Hemsley
DJ Skirt // Lisa Woollard

Kill the Disco in the VIP room___

Marsden (Cognosco / Kill The Disco)
Filthy Habit DJ's
Sebastian Budniak (Kill The Disco / Farmhaus Records)
Adam Daniels (Kill The Disco)
Maverick (Kill The Disco)

room3 tba later this week.

only £5 on the door !
Free bus from Leeds city centre & hyde park from 9.45 until 1am.


Monday, 26 April 2010


It's been 2 months since Florian Kruse packed out the loft and it's now time for Cognosco once again. Liebe* Detail's Matthias Meyer headlines on Friday and no doubt it will be absolutely packed out once again. Afterparty shenanigans for me this weekend as I once again team up with Seb Budniak to knock out some house flavoured disco at the as yet to be announced afterparty venue around the 7am mark.... Best catch up on my sleep this week!

Thursday, 15 April 2010


Quite a few gigs coming up in the next couple of weeks, starting off with the fabulous Filthy Habit Boat Party which kicks off at 7PM next friday and spends the next 4 gloriously sunny (hopefully!) hours cruising along the The River Aire. The party continues at a 'as yet to announced' secret venue until the wee hours of Saturday Morning. I shall be playing on the boat party with fellow disco comrade Sebastian Budniak and it promises to be a cracker. Only 75 tickets available for the boat priced at £10 so best be sharp!


Monday, 12 April 2010


Ahem... not that I would EVER be guilty of the above, but Instruments of Rapture brought light into my monday morning when I noticed their back catalogue online on Juno download - bloody immense news! I've waxed the plastic and invested in most of them today - stand outs are 'Ooft - This Sound' and the delicious Revenge rework of 'Just a Memory'....

Fingers crossed for a Jisco back catalogue 320 release soon eh?


Saturday, 3 April 2010


Just finished off a review of Cognosco's party last month, where Florian Kruse made his leeds debut at the the Loft. I should be writing a few more reviews/articles for soonnight over the coming months, so keep your eyes peeled.

(pic courtesy of tillate.com)

" Fatboy Slim once famously chimed ‘We’ve come a long long way together’ and although Cognosco may not quite yet have hit the heady heights that Norman Cook did during the late nineties, they’re certainly getting there. What started out as a free party at the Hyde Park Social in May 2009 has quickly developed into one of the ‘must go to’ nights on the house and techno circuit in Leeds. You need look no further than the queue outside The Loft at just past midnight for proof of that: it seems Florian Kruse has attracted the biggest Cognosco crowd to date.

Each time this team has held an event at both the Loft and The Oracle, I have been impressed with their attention to detail; it would be impossible to accuse them of simply sticking a pair of speakers in the corner of a room and calling it a club night. The usual ‘Punch and Judy-esque’ DJ booth at the far end of the club has been tucked away and, in its place, is a large table that allows much more of a focus on the DJ. Long black drapes hang along the length of the ceiling on the left hand side, giving the effect of a much more intimate room and providing easy walking access both to the toilet and the bar. Sadly, rumoured noise complaints from the neighbouring flats forced an early closure of the courtyard as a smoking area, but we’re lucky to be here at all after the furore surrounding it’s closure as The Northern Light a few short years ago, again due to sound issues.

Deep house is very much the order of the night back inside, and as Brad Mercer polishes off an impressive set and hands over to German DJ and producer Florian Kruse for his Leeds debut, the downstairs area of the Loft was packed out from the DJ booth to the back of the bar. It is fair to say that Cognosco always attract a crowd that have an ear on the DJ rather than an eye on the cameraman; a steady mix of glammed up girls mix with guys in t-shirts and trainers but the emphasis is always very much on having a party and tonight is definitely no different.

Kruse may not be a name on the tip of everyone’s tongues at the moment but the previous bookings of Giles Smith and Alex Niggemann have proved that Cognosco have a knack of snaring high calibre guests that are a little off the beaten track of the tried and tested house/techno route. DJ’ing off a laptop with an impressive looking Vestax midi controller, Florian plays for the best part of two hours with a very steady and levelled mix of deep 4/4. Resident Marsden ups the pace a little with some jackin’ grooves and, when he drops the Frankie J remix of Bryan Jones – ‘Body Move,’ can’t help a cheeky grin creeping out the side of his face as it’s met with a more than enthusiastic response.

We leave The Loft a little after 4am, just as David Hulme is cueing up his second or third record to a crowd of people that had barely diminished in numbers since the night had reached its peak; indeed, the day after, tales crept back to us that the after-party in a secret Hyde Park location rolled on until gone 10am. And, it seems, with Liebe*Detail’s Matthias Meyer lined up to headline the next event, Cognosco itself will keep rolling onwards and upwards… "


Monday, 29 March 2010


Charlie Brooker tells it how it is.. Cracking article on the guardian website..

"It's perhaps the biggest threat to the nation's mental wellbeing, yet it's freely available on every street – for pennies. The dealers claim it expands the mind and bolsters the intellect: users experience an initial rush of emotion (often euphoria or rage), followed by what they believe is a state of enhanced awareness. Tragically this "awareness" is a delusion. As they grow increasingly detached from reality, heavy users often exhibit impaired decision-making abilities, becoming paranoid, agitated and quick to anger. In extreme cases they've even been known to form mobs and attack people. Technically it's called "a newspaper", although it's better known by one of its many "street names", such as "The Currant Bun" or "The Mail" or "The Grauniad"."

Read more here... LINK

Monday, 22 February 2010


I recently prepared a short interview with Florian Kruse for the Ugroove website ahead of his gig for Cognosco at the Loft this coming Friday... Check out what he had to say here.

It’s been a very busy last couple of years for Florian Kruse. After a number of years perfecting his studio skills in Hamburg, Florian finally burst onto the deep house scene in 2007 with a number of releases on Om Records, Heya Hifi and SlipNslide. Collaborations with Nils Nurnberg and Stel followed in 2008, as well as a number of solo releases that found their way onto forward thinking dance floors the world over.

Florian’s expert skill in infusing dub influenced melodies with the more conventional deep and tech-house grooves have found his production skills and DJ sets in high demand, with his recent remix of Scope’s ‘This Rhythm’ on NRK holding a top ten place in the Beatport deep house chart for six weeks. This feat was crowned with a headlining set at the Cocoon Club in Frankfurt at the end of January this year.

We managed to grab five minutes from Florian’s busy schedule ahead of his Leeds debut at Cognosco to discover what has been making him tick over the last couple of years.

Hi Florian! We are all very excited to catch you playing at Cognosco on the 26th. Leeds has a reputation in the UK as the clubbing capital of the North; are you looking forward to your debut in the city?

Oh yes, I’m really excited! I met Steve Jones from Leeds last year at Sonar (Barcelona) and he told me something about the club scene. It sounds all good and promising!!! I also read an article in the DJ Mag last week; Leeds – I’m coming! Hahaha....

You were recently booked to play Sven Vath’s Cocoon Club in Frankfurt... surely one of the greatest accolades a DJ can receive! How was this for you?

That was amazing! My studio buddy Nils Nuernberg and I had a good time in Frankfurt, we played with Motorcitysoul’s C-Rock and met some guys from Hed Kandi. We were really pleased to play at Cocoon and totally enjoyed it.

Your releases have been championed in house and techno clubs the world over in the past couple of years. What releases and remixes do you have in the pipeline?

Lately I’m doin’ a lot together with Nils Nuernberg. We are joining forces and sharing a studio in Hamburg. We are pretty busy at the moment and have a long list of remixes and originals upcoming. I’m so proud of the new releases for example 'Drenched’ on Kolour Recordings including remixes by Motorcitysoul, Kris Wadsworth & Don Melon and the remix we did on Will Saul’s Simple Records. We have an 2 track EP upcoming on Slip N Slide including remixes by DJ Sneak & Scope and a lovely release on Noir Music called 'Lovers n Fighters' coming soon with a fantastic floor filler remix by DJ Madskillz. We also did a remix for Santos and there are a few other things coming. We have no reason to slow down... hehe ;-)

Which artist’s productions find their way into your record bag? Which track is really doing it for you on the dance floor at the moment?

Well, there are a few good artists around. Really hard to mention names here. I’m so flashed by the track of Hermanez called 'Soms’ at the moment, this one is massive for the maintime. For the warm up set Shur I Kan’s upcoming release on Dark Energy really hits me, especially the track 'Joe’s Joint’. Just brilliant!

And what is your favourite record of all time? Do you have a ’never fails’ record that always keeps its place in your bag?

Yeah, there is one tune from Irfane called 'Just A Lil’ Lovin’, I don't have this in my bag anymore, but this record was in there for a long, long time!!! It’s such a positive vibe and a secret weapon for special hours ;-)

You’re most well known and respected for your house productions; how did you get into the electronic music scene initially?

My older brother is Vincenzo, so I've always grown up with house music ! I’m still his biggest fan ;-)

In the UK, Germany (especially Berlin!) is known as almost some kind of house/techno ‘Mecca’. How do you feel the UK compares to your home scene?

You are right, Germany is known for good electronic music and we have a big scene especially in Berlin, but I think that the UK, for example, London, can compete with it. You have so many big labels in the UK and a few good clubs. It’s funny, but I’m actually working more with international than German labels and most of them are coming from the UK (Simple, NRK, Slip N Slide, Urban Torque...).

What has been your favourite gig over the last 12 months?

Cocoon, for sure, but I also enjoyed last year the party at Sonar at 'La Terrazza’. I played with Marc Romboy, Shur I Kan and Mike Monday, that was big fun...

And finally; what does 2010 hold for Florian Kruse?

I’m goin’ to marry this year. I wanna play live’ and hopefully see many places in the world I’ve not been to.

Read the Interview here at Ugroove.TV

Monday, 15 February 2010


Just had a cracking weekend playing at Detached at Beaverworks in the new Room 4 - the event was absolutely heaving and there was some top class techno being knocked out in the main room. The Modern Love showcase downstairs was quite lush on the ears and the venue itself is quite simply amazing - warehouse vibes central. Anyhow, new mix from me, representing what you would expect to hear should you catch me playing anywhere.



1. Unknown Super Dooper Edit [Unknown}
2. Mark E - Déjà vu [Running Back]
3. Joey Negro - Put a Lyric in it (Revenge edit) [Z Records]
4. The Mole - Fats Edit [Philpot]
5. 6th Borough Project – McLovin [Permanent Vacation]
6. Move D feat. DJ Late - Computer Flop [Workshop]
7. Soundstream - Soul Train [Soundstream]
8. Crazy P - Never Gona Reach Me [2020 Vision]
9. Fernando – Scarecrows [Redux]
10. Chris Carrier - I'm in Love Today [Silver Network]
11. Patchworks - Brothers on the Slide (Jimpster Remix) [Still Music]
12. The Mole - Guilty Pleasures [Internasjonal]
13. Chris Carrier and Jef K - Get Up [Silver Network]
14. Studio - Life's a Beach (Todd Terje Edit) [Information]
15. Chamboche - Feverish (The Revenge Remix) [Under The Shade]
16. Tensnake - Coma Cat [Permanent Vacation]

Blog: www.oddsocksnopants.blogspot.com
Myspace: www.myspace.com/ohmzb
More Mixes: AdamDaniels


Five years ago, I would have been plying your ears with two mixes of sci-fi electro so spooky it would have had Luke Skywalker running for his light sabre. Whilst I am still a massive fan of the aforementioned music, over the past 2-3 years (and especially now I have reached the grand old age of 25) I have been getting more and more into the dubby, disco and downtempo sounds that my local record emporium has been able to provide. This was initially due to my residency at Kill The Disco (see below) where I realised the latest Anthony Rother and DMX Krew releases perhaps wouldn’t suit an 8pm warm up slot, but since then, my hunger for these sounds has burgeoned and now I quite frankly cannot get enough! A very bizarre Monday night in Berlin dancing to the most unbelievable underground 80’s disco music in the infamous Tachelles Squat venue has further increased my appetite to expand my knowledge of disco music both old and new.

In the previous few years I was involved in running a night entitled ‘Kill The Disco’, which began in my hometown of Middlesbrough before emigrating to Leeds when the vast majority of us involved began University commitments there. Will Saul, Marc Ashken and DNCN were among some of the many guests knocking out shapes behind the hallowed turntables. The night ran for the best part of a year and a half and grew from a weekly free party in a small bar to hosting numerous events at both the Mint Club and Cornerhouse. More recently I have begun playing in the back rooms at the last few Detached nights at Beaverworks, with headliners such as Derick May, James Ruskin, Andy Stott and Pendle Coven appearing on the same line up. I also play the Cognosco after parties at various venues of debauchery across the city.

I have been a runner up in the I-DJ raw talent competitions twice, once in May 2005 and again in July 2006. I ran a radio show entitled 'Live @ The Underground' on www.lsrfm.com for three years whilst I was studying for my BA and over the duration of the show we attracted guest mixes and appearances from the likes of Billy Nasty, Tim Sheridan, Ellen Allien, Slam, Marco Passarani and James Holden amongst many others. The show was featured in both I-DJ magazine and DJ Mag as podcast/radio show of the week/month (or something like that!).

This mix is what I'd hope to play in a club with no restriction - starting off nice and slow and deep before building it up a little (but not too much!). I like to play for as long as possible if I get the chance so if you can imagine this mix spread over three or four hours then you'll get a pretty good picture of how my set would go.

I do hope the sounds on this CD are kind on your good folk’s ears, and all comments are appreciated!


Monday, 8 February 2010


Detached is hosting it's Valentines party and if you are searching the internet for that elusive romantic gesture for your special day then I don't think you can go far wrong with buying her a ticket for this event at Beaverworks on the 13th. The main room is hosted by Labyrnth Records but it is the basement that grabs my attention where Modern Love stalwarts Pendle Coven and Andy Stott headline; I love that warm dubby techno sound these two produce and an appearance from fellow Modern Lover Claro Intelecto would have been the icing on the cake.

Alas, it is not to be, but rather than getting saddened by this you can comfort yourself with the fact that I will be doing my disco/house thing in Room 4 alongside Errol Brown (Dirty Disco), Scott Broadhead (Detached) and Mundyke (Audio Punk Records). Should be a cracker as always and you can buy advance tickets for the event HERE or alternatively send me a message on here or Facebook and I should be able to sort out some kind of discount guestlist..

Full Details of the event:

In the warehouse: Labrynth Records & Guests____
REEKO - LIVE [mental disorder - spain]
EXIUM - LIVE [nheoma, labrynth - spain]
SUB SPACE - LIVE [mirage, axis records, labrynth - france]
MILLER & KEANE [audiosculpture, holland]
MICHAELANGELO [labrynth, portugal]
visuals by JWILX

In the basement: Modern Love & Meanwhile_____
[deep techno, dub & minimalism]
ANDY STOTT - LIVE [modern love]
PENDLE COVEN - LIVE [modern love]
DJ MLZ [modern love / cache]
MURMUR [meanwhile]
BOVILL [meanwhile]
DEMDIKE STARE [demdike stare]
visuals by CODE FC

Room3: Electro, Dubstep, House & 80s Synth Pop______
HORROR BRAWL electro set [detatched]
SYSTEMIC electro set [jactation / labrynth]
SUBSTANCE D [room303]

Room4: Deep / Tech House______
ERROL BROWN [dirty disco]
MUNDYKE [audio-punk records]
ADAM DANIELS [kill the disco]

Drinks £2 beers, £2 shots, £1 water
Cloakroom £1
Large covered & heated outdoor smoking area

£13 tickets on sale now@ http://www.ds2shop.co.uk
£15 otd.

The free party bus will be picking up all night from the city centre.
rsvp as attending to receive bus pick up times and locations a few days before the event.


Another weekend has been and gone and as I lie on my sofa on a Monday morning swearing to myself to have a quiet one next Friday/Saturday I took 5 minutes to review what went on over the previous 48 hours.

On Friday OOFT! music came to town to play Polaroid - the whole Ooft/Revenge/6th Borough Project sound has been filling my ears with delicious sounds for a good year now and if it wasn't for a 6 hour University workshop at 10am on a Saturday morning (what in the world were they thinking putting a lecture on at this time!) then I would have been there with bells, cymbals and hi-hats on. My housemates ended up venturing down to Wire around 1am after only going out for 'a couple of drinks' and the sight of them on rolling around on the living room sofa the following morning when I dragged myself up for my lecture was not an unexpected one! Apparently it was a real cracker from start to finish, Ali Ooft was on the money and I hear from good sources that Ste Roberts was on top form playing the final set too... Polaroid has it bang on for me at the moment and their lineups over the next couple of months mean I must try and make more of an effort to get down to their parties.

In the meantime, you can check out the Ooft! blogspot if you haven't yet done so which is full of info on new releases as well as the odd occasional edit you get to download for free - check it HERE

Saturday night came around quickly and the anticipation gathering around the city for the impending arrival of Locodice at the Mint Club was feverish - there was even talk of someone buying 3 tickets on ebay for the night for £80 EACH - are they for real?! System have really entered the Champions League of club nights with their booking policy for the first part of the year (Locodice then Luciano in Feb/March, followed by Villalobos AND Sven Vath on the Thursday and Sunday over the April Bank Holiday!) but the £20 plus ticket prices for these events that go hand in hand with booking guests of this calibre might put me off if I didn't work behind the bar!

I arrived for work just after 9pm and there was already a queue of at least 100 people waiting to get in; I knew I was already in for a long night at this point. Cormac was on warm up duties and although technically a very good DJ, I do find some of his tune selections a little questionable at times; who honestly thinks playing a 130BPM techno track as the first record of the night, followed by 'the best of Johnny D' ('Orbital life' followed by 'Sliding Away' in a twenty minute period), constitutes a good warm up set? So much for building the music up! Guti and Tini came on afterwards and both put in solid performances with some groovy house/techno and when Locodice came on at just after 3pm the club was probably the most full I have ever seen it in a long long time; Cracking atmosphere but I do question why the massive hype surrounds Locodice? This was the first time I've seen him play and I can't grasp why he has this god like status in the techno community; his set was fairly average (6/10?) and there wasn't really any musical notation to any of the tracks he was playing save for the last hour when he started knocking out a bit more deeper stuff. The previous 5 hours of music seemed very basic to these ears and stayed on the same level throughout; the 'drill' consisted of the following pattern - incessant kickdrum and snare, zero melody, beats drop out and breakdown kicks in with average baseline, crowd start screaming/whooping/raising hands in the air, loud as fuck kickdrum drops back in, ice cannon blasts out for 10 seconds, strobe flashes and then process repeats itself approximately every 5 minutes...

The crowd weren't the typical System crowd either - there was a lot of vest tops and sunglasses on show and a bit more attitude than I had experienced at previous System nights. I guess a lot of the crowd were the Ibiza/DC10 sort and that is why Locodice commands such a reputation in the UK because of the number of people that go to Ibiza and spend 2 weeks being 'converted' to house and techno after a couple of garys and a session in DC10/Zoo Project. I seen one guy with a white vest top with the slogan 'Ket, Ibiza and Sex' - how very fucking cool you are.

Despite my moaning about these things, the night was actually quite enjoyable and although it did drag on until well past 9am in the morning by which time I had lost both the ability to serve any more drinks and the will to live, System definitely did itself proud by the production of the night and the staggering amount of people it managed to attract. You can't question Locodices' quality as an entertainer either - he played for more than 6 hours, literally had to be dragged from the decks at the end of the night and danced and jived away in the DJ booth with the best of them for the duration of his set. I do look forward to the upcoming System nights over the next couple of months; Lucanio for his latino/spanish house and techno thing, Villalobos for being a bit of a living legend and Sven Vath simply for his entertainment value and party techno vibe - when he last turned up at the Mint after Cocoon in The Park last year he had to be carried out of the club without playing a record as he was so wasted!

Monday, 18 January 2010


Louche firmly planted it's place in the big time with a stonking party at the Mint last weekend; having made the bold decision to move from their monthly friday slot to the 3rd Saturday of the month, the night now faces stiff competition for the Saturday night party crowd from scene stalwarts Back to Basics as well as a host of other established nights each month. There was also a question mark as to whether the younger and more student crowd that Louche attracts each month may have been put off by the increase in both door and drinks prices that a primetime Saturday night slot dictates. Alas... I believe they have nothing to fear!

At a time typically reserved for adopting the foetal position as everyone recovers from the previous 12 months of excess, the Mint Club was jam packed as what must of been 800 plus revelers squeezed in to fight for dancing space as Louche hooked up with Twaddle to fly Martinez in for his first appearance in the city of Leeds. As midnight struck the dancefloor was slowly beginning to fill but typically on a Saturday at the Mint, 12 until 12.30 is the time that makes or breaks a night and although the night appeared steady, I definitely was not prepared for what was about to come. Sneaking out the side door for a crafty rollie at half past the hour, I was shocked to see a queue snaking back past the alley and all the way up to the entrance of D:Fusion; where had all these people suddenly appeared from? Maybe yearly jaunts to Sonar, Berlin and the like are finally beginning to take effect and a more european attitude to going out is finally beginning to be adopted on a large scale in Leeds; maybe this time next year it will be the norm to not even think about jumping into the shower until Hansen and Shearer have summed things up on Match of The Day.

Whatever the case, as the night pushed past 1.30 and the Louche residents tidied things up before beginning their handover to Martinez, an energetic young crowd bounced away on the Mint Club dancefloor. With a bad mix of people a stupendously busy dancefloor can really ruin a night, but one of the things I like about Louche the most is the friendly and smiley crowd that the night attracts; there is always going to be the odd brute or ibiza cunt in sunglasses (maybe even more so on a Saturday) but I have found the Louche crowd in general to be one full of nice people. Martinez took over the decks at around 2pm and began to ply the crowd with music that was decidedly less 'louchey' than previous incarnations of the night; maybe it was the collaboration with Twaddle but the stuff Martinez was playing was a lot more 'techy' than the Oslo/Cecile house grooves I have become accustomised to. Not that this was a bad thing in the slightest; the music being played was of the highest calibre and despite my knowledge of Martinez being very limited before the night, I have definitely walked away a fan. One of the things I have found about Louche is their knack for picking guests not so much 'out of the unknown' but ones who are just about to land it in the big time; the Seth Troxler and Miss Fitz night was well over a year ago but you only have to look at the waves the two have made since they played the Mint 18 months ago to realise the point I am making.

The Twaddle residents took over for the last couple of hours to bring the night to it's end and a nice selection of house grooves (including the J Cub Lonley Club remix - what a fucking record) kept well over 150 people lodged onto the dancefloor until the 6am finish... It may have been even longer if it wasn't for the confusion between the DJ's and Mint Club staff as to when the music had to go off! A three of four minute silence at 6am meant that the vast majority of the club had already headed for the cloakroom before the music finally came back on. Still, the party continued on down at Wire until the wee hours of Sunday morning for those wanting to abstain from the bed for that bit longer. I also have to say that the use of the lighting panel and the smoke/ice cannon were both spot on tonight; since being implemented in the Mint around 18 months ago I've often felt they weren't being used to their full potential but over the last few months they really have been firing on all cylinders (to excuse the pun) and I really think the club now does rival the club it was based on (Watergate) for it's lighting and visual show. Louche also seems to go from strength to strength and on the basis of it's first Saturday night at the club it looks like it could hit the heights of the number one weekend event in Leeds this year.

Sunday, 3 January 2010


Cracking new Tensnake EP due for release in January on Permanent Vacation... He knocked 'Coma Cat' out on his latest Resident Advisor mix (which you should definitely check out by the way - one of the RA mixes of the year for me) and it definitely perked a few ears on the post New Year celebrations wind down back at Chez Daniels. Check it out here, this is sure to be one of the disco/house anthems of the 2010 Spring.

Tensnake "Coma Cat" EP coming soon on Permanent Vacation by Tensnake